
Buy dried fruit healthy and nutritious

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Chaga Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $46.99.Current price is: $39.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

All Natural 100% Chaga Mushroom Fruit Body.

Ingredients: 100% Above Ground Fruit Body Chaga Mushroom Powder.

Source: Made exclusively from the mushroom fruit body.

Scientific Name:   Inonotus obliquus.

Asthmatics: Mushrooms may naturally contain sulfites.

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Cordyceps Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $88.99.Current price is: $79.49.1Lb Zipper Bag

All Natural 100% Fruit Body Cordyceps Mushroom Powder.

Quality: 100% Above Ground Fruit Body Cordyceps Mushroom Powder. Not a Below Ground Mycelium(Mushroom) and Oat Flour(Growing Media) Mixture or Extract of the Roots/Soil Mixture (Most of the products available).

Ingredients: Cordyceps Mushroom Powder.

Source: Made exclusively from the mushroom fruit body.

Scientific Name:   Cordyceps militaris L.

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Forest Mix Mushrooms 1Lb

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $50.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

A gourmet blend of popular Forest Mushrooms.

Ingredients: Oyster Mushrooms, Wood Ear Mushrooms, Bolet Mushrooms, Paddy Straw Mushrooms.

Rehydrate: Bring to a boil in water, then simmer for a few minutes. Used in cooking for added flavor.

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Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $56.99.Current price is: $49.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

Ingredients:  Lion’s Mane Mushroom Fruit Body Powder.

Typically Used For:  Lion’s Mane mushroom powder is used in nutritional drinks.

Source: Made from the mushroom above ground fruit body only, no roots/mycelium which is ground with the soil/oat flour/media in which they grow.

1 pound of dried powder is the equivalent to approximately 5 pounds of fresh mushrooms.


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Reishi Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $56.49.Current price is: $49.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

All Natural Reishi Mushroom 100% Fruit Body Powder.

Quality:  100% Above Ground Fruit Body Reishi Mushroom Powder. Not a Below Ground Mycelium(Mushroom) and Oat Flour(Growing Media) Mixture or Extract of the Roots/Soil Mixture (Most of the products available).

Ingredients:  Dried Reishi Mushrooms

Typically Used In:   Reishi mushroom powder can be incorporated into foods directly, as an ingredient or in nutritional shakes.

Source: Made exclusively from the mushroom fruit body

1 pound of dried powder is the equivalent to approximately 5 pounds of fresh mushrooms.

Botanical Name: Ganoderma Lucidum Karst. Also known as Lingzhi Mushroom.

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Shiitake Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $91.49.1Lb Zipper Bag

All Natural 100% Fruit Body Shiitake Mushroom Powder.

Ingredients: Dried Shiitake Mushrooms. Scientific Name: Lentinula edodes.

Typically Used In: Cooking Soups, vegetables and egg dishes, and any cooking recipe which adds a meaty flavor.

Dry Ratio:  It takes about 7.5 pounds of fresh mushrooms to make 1 pound of dried mushrooms.

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Sliced Porcini Mushrooms

Original price was: $68.99.Current price is: $56.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

All Natural Dried and Sliced Porcini Mushrooms.

Ingredients: Porcini Mushrooms.

Scientific Name: Boletus edulis.

Rehydrate: Bring to a boil in water, then simmer for a few minutes.

Usage: Cook in soups and vegetables for added flavor.

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Sliced White Mushrooms

Original price was: $63.49.Current price is: $49.99.1Lb Zipper Bag

Fancy dried and sliced champignon white button mushrooms.

Ingredients: Champignon Mushrooms. Scientific Name: Agaricus bisporus.
Common Name: White Button Mushrooms.

Usage: White Button Mushrooms are a very popular mushroom that can be used regularly in cooking recipes.

Hydration Ratio: 1:5

Product Highlight: 100% all natural air dried Champignon Mushrooms. Champignons are the most popular and versatile mushroom available. Mushrooms are a great way to add an earthy flavor and meat-like texture to vegetarian/vegan cooking.

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White Mushroom Powder

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $90.00.

All Natural Dried Ground White Champignon Mushroom Powder.

Ingredients: Champignon Mushrooms. Scientific Name: Agaricus bisporus.
Common Name: White Button Mushrooms.

Usage: Cook in soup for a mushroom flavor.

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Whole Shiitake Mushrooms

Original price was: $46.49.Current price is: $39.49.1Lb Zipper Bag

Whole 1 1/2 inch diameter Dried Shiitake Mushrooms.

Ingredients: Shiitake Mushrooms.

Scientific Name: Lentinula edodes.

Usage: Cook in soup, vegetables to add flavor and nutrition.

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