
Buy dried fruit healthy and nutritious

Showing 1–12 of 21 results

Adzuki Beans

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

Adzuki Beans are also known as azuki, adsuki and feijao beans. The King of Beans in Japan.

  • Ingredients: Azuki Beans

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Big Bunch Bean Soup Mix

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

Large assortment of natural dried beans usually including Reds, Lentils, Peas, Lima, Pinto, Navy, Great Northern, Cranberry, and Blacks.

  • Ingredients: Azuki Beans, Pinto Beans, Green Split Peas, Yellow Split Peas, Green Lentils, Black Beans, Red Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Navy Beans, Great Northern Beans, Cranberry Beans, Baby Lima Beans, Blackeye Peas, and Red Lentils.

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Black Eyed Peas

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

Blackeye Peas, are all natural, shelled, and dried, and are also known as Black-Eyed Peas and Blackeye Beans.

  • Ingredients: Blackeye Peas

    Typically Used In: Pantry Staple, Cooking, Soups and Stews. A Staple in down to earth southern cooking.

    Product Highlight: Not actually a pea, but rather a protein packed bean that is very versatile and posses a handful of key nutrients and minerals.

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Cannellini White Kidney Beans

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

Cannellini beans are an all natural dried bean, and are also known as White Kidney Beans.

  • Ingredients: White Kidney Beans

    Typically Used In: Minestrones, Salads, and Fagioli’s.

    Product Highlights: Kidney Beans are also known as cannellini beans are popular in Italian and Tuscan cuisine. Known for its mild nut like flavor, firm texture and skin, and it’s ability to hold it’s shape well. It doubles in size when cooked, is low in fat, high in fiber, protein, B vitamins, and minerals.

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Chili Bean Mix

$6.991Lb Zipper Bag

Great chili mixture of natural dried beans usually including Red Beans, Pinto Beans, Kidney Beans, Great Northern, and Black Beans.

  • Ingredients: Red Beans, Pinto Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Great Northern Beans, Black Turtle Beans.

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Dried Baby Lima Beans

$10.491Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Baby Lima Beans.

  • Ingredients: Lima Beans

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Dried Chick Peas

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Chick Peas also known as Garbanzo Beans.

Ingredients: Garbanzo Beans

Typically Used In: Pantry Staple, Cooking, Cold Salads, Roasting. Popular in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Cuisine.

Product Highlight: A high Protein, high Fiber bean. Essential ingredient in making Hummus.

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Dried Cranberry Beans.

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Cranberry Beans.

  • Ingredients: Cranberry Beans

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Dried Great Northern Beans

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Great Northern Beans.

Ingredients: Great Northern Beans

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Dried Green Lentils

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Green Lentils.

Ingredients: Lentils

Typically Used In: Pantry Staple, Cooking, Soups and Stews, Cold Salads, Bulk Bins

Product Highlight: Natural Shelled Green Lentils packed with vitamins and Protein.

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Dried Green Split Peas

$7.991Lb Zipper Bag

All natural, shelled, and dried Green Split Peas.

Ingredients: Green Split Peas

Typically Used In: Pantry Staple, Cooking, Soups and Stews, Cold Salads, Bulk Bins

Product Highlight: Natural Green Split Peas that contain high amounts of protein and fiber. Green split peas are similar to cooking beans.

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Dried Green Whole Peas


All natural, shelled, and dried Green Whole Peas.

Ingredients: Green Whole Dried Peas

Typically Used In: Pantry Staple, Cooking, Soups and Stews, Purees, Cold Salads, Bulk Bins

Product Highlight: Natural Green Whole Peas that contain high amounts of protein and fiber. Green Whole Peas are similar to cooking beans. Can also use as a substitute for Garden Peas.

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